Inspiration | Brigitte Colleaux

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Brigitte Colleaux's change of carrier.

Brigitte Colleaux pitcher
Brigitte Colleaux's handmade Pitcher

Brigitte Colleaux is a pottery artist based in London. She had a previous carrier in IT. She used to work full time for a bank. Brigitte felt like something was missing in her life, she needed a creative outlet. In the late 90's, she enrolled in a pottery class at a local arts center.

What fascinates me about her, is her courage to change carriers, from a finance world to a pottery studio setting. Clay is not fancy, it is a direct connection to the earth. Clay is, after all, mud. I try to imagine her transition from the corporate to the artist world. Was it easy? When did it feel right?

Glazes are the most exiting aspect of my work. I test for the sake of it, often with objective in mind! There are no borders - you become an explorer, and an adventurer.

Maybe Brigitte was looking for an opportunity to play again, to feel free. Perhaps this material provided her with the opportunity to experience the world with the openness of a "child like mind". Do we all yearn for freedom through creativity? is art healing?

You can visit her shop here BrigitteColleauxPots

Brigitte Colleaux smiling holding a plate
Brigitte Colleaux's portrait